Pay per click management can be an extremely time consuming task. It takes a lot of monitoring of web traffic to optimize your ads for the best performing practices. It is financially worth it to have your ads professionally managed because you will get better quality traffic which will result in more leads for your advertising dollars.
We manage your pay per click campaigns so you don't have to deal with it. We optimize your ads and track your web traffic to make sure that your firm is receiving as many leads as possible.
Real Time Tracking and Keyword Volume Research
Find the origin of each lead and which words generate business for your firm. Track how many people per month type those words into search engines and make sure you are at the top of search results when you need to be.
Show up at the Top in Search Engines
When clients hire attorneys in your field of practice, does your website show up in the first few search results? We make that happen.
Eliminate Competitor Clicks
If you run pay per clicks ads it is wise to make sure that competitor clicks are blocked. This makes a big difference in the bottom line. We monitor clicks closely and block IP addresses from clicking on your ads repeatedly.

Types of Lawyers We Help:
Criminal Defense Attorneys
Personal Injury Attorneys
Family Law Attorneys
Litigation Attorneys
Workman's Comp Attorneys
Medical Malpractice Attorneys
Immigration Attorneys
Tax Attorneys
Bankruptcy Attorneys
Estate Planning Attorneys
Divorce Attorneys
Professional Pay Per Click Management
If you have run ads through Google or Bing's network with little or costly results, then we can help. We know tricks of the trade that will help improve conversion rates and make your cost per click decrease while generating more calls and leads. Every campaign that we run is monitored in real time. This means we watch your web traffic as clicks come in and see how people read through your website. With this information we can make changes to both your website and ads to make them convert at higher rates.
Every campaign that we run is in expert mode so that more options are available. We block competitor clicks which can save thousands of dollars per year in wasted dollars. We get rid of bidding on keywords that don't convert into quality leads and figure out which keywords are generating phone calls and sales.
We have a pay per click strategy that has proven to be successful time and time again. Making the phone ring at law firms is what we specialize in so much so that past clients have had to hire a call center just to be able to answer every call that comes in. Having an actual person answer the phone and take a message as opposed to leaving it up to people to leave a message will drastically increase sales. It is common for new clients searching for legal representation to hang up and call another lawyer if they reach a voicemail. We want to give you the best chance at retaining every lead that comes your way and will provide advice and feedback to give your firm the best chance at success.
Some ads that we run are automatically (and legally) recorded. If you would like us to listen to them we can provide feedback on sales techniques that have worked for other attorneys in your field.
Prior to finding Marisa from Aggressive Law Firm Marketing my advertising dollars were not profitable. Now I have an absolutely amazing website and I get calls every day for new cases. My business has never been better! I recommend her to any attorney that wants to grow their firm!
Christopher Wright